My name is Christopher Rey Pérez. I was born on September 7th or 9th in the year 1987 and raised along these coordinates, 26 11'6"N 98 7'4"W, which make up part of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, a region a few miles from the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

I am a poet working from within a matrix of opaque folklore, violence, and language in an attempt to embody the "open root" of the border. After living and working in Mexico, Palestine, and elsewhere, my poetics have come to address borders as places where writing can map global exchange.

My first "full-length" book was published in 2017. Titled gauguin's notebook, it writes through Gauguin's Tahitian journal to investigate current-day affective structures along the border vis-a-vis Gauguin's colonialist production in Tahiti. In 2023, I published my second collection. Fayuca is a book on markets and the circulation of objects, people, and desire.

Other writing includes a small chapbook with a few drawings from 2012, a 2015 chapbook of writings and photographs I published in Mexico City, a 2016 artist book with the artist Barbara Ess, a pamphlet for a book collection from Cyprus, an electronic publication on border theatrics, a risograph-printed story that is also translated to Portuguese, a field journal in Spanish, written in Puerto Rico, a book I edited on aliens, and my latest chapbook: Future Tourism.

Since 2013, I've published a bookwork called Dolce Stil Criollo. It is a project between Gabriel Finotti and me that is in the process of becoming a press.

Currently, I teach in the MFA programs at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College and at Pratt Institute.

If you would like to know more about me, you could always write me at christopherreyperez (at) gmail (dot) com.

1.2.25 Imani Elizabeth Jackson & Me at the Poetry Project

On February 19th at 8pm, I will read at the Poetry Project alongside Imani Elizabeth Jackson. There will be small reception at 7:30 and the event will also be livestreamed on YouTube.

28.1.25 Mud Walking Workshop at the Poetry Project

I am offering a 5-session workshop with the Poetry Project from February 18th to March 18th, 7-9pm. Inspired by a Drakeo the Ruler song and titled "Mud Walking," the workshop will develop and explore the poetic possibilities of “mud walking” on and off the page as an approach to both slow down and lean into the tracks poets leave and the sub/stances (read: being, material but also "standing under, being present") they're working with.

18.12.24 The 51st Annual New Year's Day Marathon at the Poetry Project

On New Year's Day, I'll be reading at the Poetry Project for their 51st annual marathon. I'm scheduled to read during the first hour, hosted by Stacy Szymaszek and Nicole Wallace, from 1-2pm. During this hour, I'll read with Pamela Sneed, Morgan Võ, Emily Johnson, Marcella Durand, Filip Marinovich, Alex Cuff, Funto Omojola, Jennifer Firestone, Mariana Valencia, Mónica de la Torre & Hans Tammen, Greg Masters, and Marcos de la Fuente.

29.11.24 Many Poems by Roberta Iannamico Book Launch

This coming Friday, December 6th at 7pm, Wendy's Subway will host the book launch of Many Poems by Roberta Iannamico, translated by Alexis Almeida. Mayada Ibrahim, Mónica de la Torre, and I will read alongside Alexis to celebrate the book's publication.

26.11.24 Reading Librería Escandalar

The Red de Apoyo Diverso has organized a reading at Librería Escandalar in Roma Sur on the 27th at 7pm. I'll be reading with Andrés Paniagua, Natalia Levy Villa, Kassandra Valencia, Sandra Sánchez, and Humberto Kaiser.

5.11.24 Worldmakers Close In!

The collective Post-Novis, which I form part of, has published a collaborative poem, titled "Worldmakers Close In!," with E-flux architecture. The poem takes the opening line of Mahmoud Darwish's poem, "The World Is Closing on Us," as the seed sprouting this poem sequence. The sequence makes up a larger portfolio on Loudreading for E-flux. You can read the poem and the rest of the portfolio here.

31.10.24 Reading at Brooklyn Poets

On Friday, November 8th at 7pm, I'll be reading with Danez Smith and Ruth Awad at Brooklyn Poets. A wine reception begins at 6pm for in-person attendees.

30.10.24 Brooklyn Poets Poet of the Week

I'm the poet of the week at Brooklyn Poets. You can read and listen to a new poem I'm working on, "Flu Flamming," which forms part of a group of rhyming "corridos discursivos" that make up a new manuscript, titled Authenticity Drill. The manuscript sets corridos tumbados as a soundtrack for moving through spaces vexed by issues of class and race, from Brooklyn to Oaxaca to Mexico City.

25.10.24 Beyond Borders Pop-Up and Performances at Storm

On October 27th, from 11am-5pm, Fouta Harissa and Dolce Stil Criollo will be at Storm Books and Candy in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, where we will have t-shirts and scarves for sale as part of our Beyond Borders fundraiser for Palestine. At 3pm, we host a small program of performances by Grace Villamil, Andrew Riad, Jordan Topiel Paul, and Funto & Tosin aka BABAS.

24.10.24 Beyond Borders Mixtape for Radio Alhara

As part of our fundraiser for Palestinians, Dolce Stil Criollo has curated a 3-hour mixtape of poetry and sound art. The mixtape will broadcast with Bethlehem-based Radio Alhara on October 26th, at 11am EST. Contributors include Alina Maldonado, Andrés Paniagua, Andrew Riad, Anthony Almendárez, Assia Turquier-Zauberman, Basman Aldirawi, Carla Boregas, Concepción Huerta, Daniela Stubbs Levi, Devil Gremory, Dj Foguin, ehCaetano aHía Menuzum, Ejuku, Funto & Tosin aka BABAS, Gerab, Gigios, Grace Villamil, Hara Alonso, Jean Carla Rodea, jjoaoapaes, Johan Mijail, Jordan Topiel Paul, Lamia Hatira, Leila Baalbalki, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Mahmoud Darwish, Mandy Shunnarah, Maru Pabón, Mayada Ibrahim, Nicole Cecilia Delgado, Paul Catafago, Raffi Garabedian, Refaat Alareer, Rico Jorge, Roberto Tejada, Rolando Hernández, Samer Abu Hawwash, Tenaya Nasser-Frederick, TYV, and unmade.

22.10.24 Beyond Borders: Weaving Art and Solidarity for Palestine

As part of a fundraiser for Palestinians, Dolce Stil Criollo has partnered with Fouta Harissa to design and produce two t-shirts and a silk scarf, handwoven in Tunis. 100% of net sales profits will go to Gaza Medical Tent, a volunteer network of displaced Palestinian doctors and healthcare professionals providing free primary health services and crisis medical attention for children and adults in Gaza. You can purchase a t-shirt of scarf on Fouta Harissa's website here.

7.10.24 Makhzin: Counterlexicons

The 4th issue of Makhzin, "Counterlexicons," is now published. I have an excerpt of a long poem, titled "Phenakistoscope," published in it, alongside a great list of contributors.

24.8.24 La Feria: Print Media Fair

Dolce Stil Criollo will be presenting at La Feria print media fair, hosted by the Latinx Project. The fair will take place at 20 Cooper Square at New York University on Saturday, September 21 between 11am - 5pm. I'll have copies of issue 5 of Dolce Stil Criollo, alongside copies of our chapbook series.

23.8.24 Dear Giulia Reading

On September 8th, I'll be reading for the Dear Giulia Reading series with Terrence Arjoon, Sami Dahman, Danielle Garcia, Ruby Hoffman, Justin Kamp, and Marié Nobematsu-Le Gassic. The reading will take place at Francis Kite Club in the Lower East Side.

7.8.24 Daisuke Shen Book Launch

Daisuke Shen is launching their book, Vague Prophecies and Predictions, at Powerhouse Arena on August 13th, from 7-9pm. In celebration of the launch, Mayada Ibrahim and I will be reading alongside Daisuke. Christian Michael Filardo will also provide musical accompaniment after the reading.

1.8.24 9 Poems Journal

18 Owls Press has published a journal called "9 Poems." It features a poem from a series of mine on Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge in my hometown, Alamo, Texas. Kimberly Alidio, Bridget Talone, Tilghman Goldsborough, K?an Brink, Najlaa Eltom (translated by Mayada Ibrahim), Ian Dreiblatt, Bahaar Ahsan, and Matt Longabucco are also included. All the proceeds from the journal go to helping a displaced family (Eman's) in Gaza.

4.7.24 Deem Issue 5: Climate Realities and Responses

I have a short story printed in the 5th issue of Deem journal. Titled "Pedagogies from the Jungle of Tomorrow's Disintegration," the story looks at nightmares, borders, and climate change, connecting the Rio Grande Valley to the Greater Caribbean and its colonial history. Rigo Tovar, Néstor Perlongher, palm trees, and Providencia island feature in the narrative.

1.5.24 Greetings Reading Series

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 2nd, I'll be reading at Unnameable Books with Thye Cooper and Ryan Cook for the Greetings Reading Series. The improvistional group, Inside Devils, will begin playing at 7pm and then readings will commence around 7:30.

20.4.24 Printed Matter Artbook Fair 2024

Dolce Stil Criollo will be at table C18 for the Printed Matter Artbook Fair, from April 25-28, on 548 W. 22nd street. We're sharing a table with diSONARE editorial and Precog Magazine.

14.4.24 Dolce Stil Criollo Launch at Public Records

Our New York City launch of Dolce Stil Criollo 5 will take place at Public Records NYC on April 20th, from 1-4pm. Mayada Ibrahim, Alexis Almeida, and Nina Halevy Guedes will read, and we'll have copies of our 5th issue, alongside our new monograph series. More info here.

9.4.24 Dolce Stil Criollo Launch at Hopscotch Reading Room

We will be launching the 5th issue of Dolce Stil Criollo, titled "Extraordinarily Apotropaic," at Hopscotch Reading Room in Berlin, on April 11th at 19:00.

5.4.24 Dolce Stil Criollo Monograph Series

Dolce Stil Criollo has published three booklets as part of a new monograph series on poetry in translation. The three booklets include Querida Ele: by Andrés Paniagua, written in Spanish and translated to English by Diego Gerard; Passionnément by Ghérasim Luca, written in French and translated to Portuguese by Nina Halevy Guedes; and de Pañuelo de mocos by Fernanda Laguna, written in Spanish and translated to English by Alexis Almeida. Each booklet is printed in two color risograph in an edition of 150. You can purchase the set or individual booklets from our website.

27.3.24 Dolce Stil Criollo 5 - Extraordinarily Apotropaic

The 5th issue of Dolce Stil Criollo is out now and available to purchase from our website. Titled "Extraordinarily Apotropaic," the issue aims to rethink reality in its current ordinary form by discovering and creating charms and rituals for changing it into one where there is less harm. Contributors include Andrés-Monzón Aguirre, Aykan Safoglu, Azul Caballero Adams, Belinda Zhawi, Daniel Machado, Daniel Moura, Devil Gremory, Enorê, Esvin Alarcón Lam, Gabriel Massan, Hick Duarte, Itamar Alves, Iya, Jennifer Pérez, Jesse Cohen, Johan Mijail, Juan Pablo Villegas, Kasra Jallilipour, Kent Chan, Keratuma (Mileidy Domicó), Laura Huertas Millán, Lucía Meliá, Lucía Reissig & Bernardo Zabalaga, Maria Thereza Alves, Masha Godovannaya, Mayada Ibrahim, Najlaa Eltom, Nina Djekic, Ophelia S. Chan, Pivaratu, Pivete Nobre, Ricardo Pinheiro (Ganso), Roberto Tejada, Sofía Córdova, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Swatch, Thales Pessoa, and Thiago Martins de Melo.

4.3.24 Future Tourism Chapbook

My chapbook, Future Tourism, is now available for purchase directly from Sputnik & Fizzle. The publisher describes my chapbook like so: "In Future Tourism, the self is an encounter with possibilities dwelling within lands and people, a catalogue of friendships, cuisines, and revelries. Part travelogue, part notebook for a coming distillation of memory, this poem ruptures the erasures of capitalism, challenges the force of line-breaks, and reckons with the embodied vocabulary of our senses. It shapes a new way of chronicling subjectivity whereby friends and places subsume each other. Pérez’s poem delivers the future in the present of travel."

29.2.24 Fayuca at Printed Matter

Printed Matter's Chelsea location is now carrying my book, Fayuca, published by diSONARE. You can purchase the book online or visit the store to pick up a copy.

25.1.24 Heart Tattoos Workshop

During the month of February, I will offer a 4-week workshop at Poet's House. Heart Tattoos is a series of workshops on marks, figures, designs, and words. We will start with the tat-tat of striking pen to paper before exploring the possibilities of using the body as a record. Whether as part of ornament, ritual, trauma, or other factors, what do we inscribe onto our bodies, and what’s commemorated there forever? Throughout our time together, we’ll write poems, craft song lyrics, illustrate writing, and record audio. Possible readings include works from Roque Dalton, Akilah Oliver, Anne Waldman, María Sabina, Antonin Artaud, Alejandra Pizarnick, and Néstor Perlongher.

21.12.23 Future Tourism Chapbook Launch

My chapbook, Future Tourism, will be launched at Livraria Poesía Incompleta in Lisbon, today at 7pm. The chapbook is co-published by Sputnik & Fizzle and Atlas and will be available for order on January 4th, 2024.

15.11.23 Fayuca Launch in Mexico City

My 2nd full-length collection of poetry, titled Fayuca, is set to be published by diSONARE Editorial in Mexico City. The book "is a poetry collection and psychogeographic map of a tireless Mexico City and one of its most famous markets, Tepito. It delves into the realm of object reproduction and object-desire, all within a hyper-capitalist habitat that is teeming with text and language, as much internal as it is imprinted on the surface of the city.” On November 22nd, I will be launching the book at Librería Escandalar in Roma Sur. Tatiana Lipkes and Andrés Paniagua will read as well. The reading will take place at 3pm.

5.11.23 From Gaza to Brooklyn: Readings on Resistance and Liberation

On Tuesday, November 7 a 6pm, I will be reading at Pratt Institute's Alumni Reading Room with Hannah Assadi, Portlyn Houghton-Harjo, Zach Hussein, Laura Henriksen, and Alysia Slocum Laferriere. The event is a night of readings around resistance & liberation followed by a vigil to mourn and pray over the loss of lives and suffering of the Palestinian people from Gaza and beyond and is organized in part by Andrew Riad.

17.10.23 Reading + Palestine

On Saturday, October 21 at 7pm, I will be reading with Nora Treatbaby and Mirene Arsanios. Daphne Xu and Emir West will also screen films. The event will take place at a co-op in Crown Heights, Brooklyn: 843 Prospect Place. Marta Supernova will dj 'till midnight. Prior in the day, a protest in solidarity with Palestine in Brooklyn's Bay Ridge neighborhood at 72nd St. and 5th Ave is happening.

24.9.23 Reading at Unnameable Books

On Saturday, September 30 at 7pm, I will read some poems with Isabel Sobral Campos and Erik Fuhrer. The bookstore is located at 615 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238.

12.9.23 The Earth Is a Tree Full of Poems Like Mushrooms of the Air Exhibition

From September 11th to the 29th, Iowa State University's College of Design will be exhibiting in Gallery 181 the group show, "The Earth Is a Tree Full of Poems Like Mushrooms of the Air." The exhibition explores questions at the intersection of land, water, extraction, sovereignty, violence and resistance through material and speculative works across a wide panorama of media approaches including film, models, sculpture, photography, collages and installations. The group exhibition includes works by Coco Allred, Rose Florian, Pete Goché, Nadia Huggins, Jason Fitzroy Jeffers, Samiha Meem, Jason Mena, Killian O’ Dochartaigh & Edward Lawrenson, Post-Novis / Hilary Wiese, Roque Raquel Salas Rivera, Luis Othoniel Rosa, WAI Think Tank and myself.

10.9.23 Égida Closing Reception at STARS Gallery

On September 16th, at 3pm, I will be hosting a reading I curated for the closing reception of Andrés Monzón-Aguirre's exhibition, "Égida," at STARS Gallery in Los Angeles. Feliz Lucia Molina, Gabrielle Civil, and Joshua Escobar will read. The event and reading coincide with the upcoming 5th issue of Dolce Stil Criollo, "Extraordinarily Apotropaic," which aims to rethink reality in its current ordinary form so as to create charms and rituals for creating a world where there is less harm.

22.8.23 128 Lit Issue 2 Launch

On Wednesday, September 27th at 7pm, I will read for the second issue of 128 Lit at The People's Forum at 320 W 37th St. in Manhattan. Two of my poems from my forthcoming book, Fayuca, are included in the second issue. I will be reading with Maja Lukic, Matvei Yankelevich, Christine Shan Shan Hou, Mayada Ibrahim, Daisuke Shen, and Celina Su.

28.7.23 Una noche de cine y poesía con essai y diSONARE

On August 1st, I'll read some poems with Mariana Roa Olivia, Tilsa Otta, and Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola. Films by Tomonari Nishikawa, G. Anthony Svatek, Alice Pontiggia & Eduardo Makozay Mayén, Marcela Cuevas Ríos, Miko Revereza, and Colectivo Los Ingrávidos will also be screened. The event begins at 8:30pm and will take place at La Cueva on Serapio Rendón 8, in Mexico City's San Rafael neighborhood.

1.5.23 Loudreaders Architecture Trade School in Puerto Rico

As part of my work with Post-Novis, I have been helping design and build a pilot architecture trade school in Puerto Rico, which is scheduled to take place this summer, from June 23rd to July 2nd. The Trade School is structured in ten days, and each day includes Loudreading sessions (with guest speakers presenting theories, ideas, and projects), and worldmaking sessions focused on the arts & crafts of the screen. In each of the worldmaking sessions, designers, architects, and authors will be in direct contact with the participants, in a creative and informal environment. On July 1st, I will host a worldmaking session in collaboration with La Impresora on a day of "Poetry and Press." You can read the full schedule of activities and sign up to attend here.

7.2.23 todo mundo art book fair

Dolce Stil Criollo will form part of todo mundo art book fair in Mexico City, from February 9-12th. The book fair is an initiative of Temblores Publicaciones and Material Art Fair. Also, in conjunction with X-TRA Magazine, I'll participate in a conversation with artist Johan Mijail and the collective INVASORIX at the fair on February 10th, from 4-5pm. The conversation is titled, Translated Intimacies: An Analquist Manifesto. It will center Johan Mijail's Analquist Manifesto, recently published in translation by X-TRA Magazine.

31.1.23 Migrating Pedagogies

Alexis Almeida and I have a brief conversation on pedagogy published with eohippus labs, as part of their annex series. The small pamphlet is titled "conversations/ correspondences," and it covers everything from food and translation to Bolaño's The Savage Detectives and teaching.

16.1.23 A Loudreaders Guide to the Post-Colonial Method

KoozArch magazine has published a column on the work of the Post-Novis collective and has included our play Worldmakers Unite! You can read about the work of Post-Novis and view my video-poem, labeled "Interlude," which forms part of the play. My dramatis persona is a migrant ghostwriter.

19.11.22 The Planetary Wretched: A Post-Colonial Narrative Architecture Poetry Book

The Planetary Wretched: A Post-Colonial Narrative Architecture Poetry Book is now available for free as a pdf on the Loudreaders website. You can download the pdf here. The publication's 300 copies have been given away. An excerpt from an early draft of my poems on Tepito are included, along with a collaborative series of texts that were a result of my workshop with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and WAI Architecture Think Tank on Octavia Butler's Bloodchild.

10.11.22 Mirene Arsanios & Iman Mersal at the Poetry Project

Mirene Arsanios and Iman Mersal are reading at the Poetry Project on November 11th, at 8pm. I'll be guest introducing Mirene.

5.10.22 The Pizza's Poetry Party Reading

On October 10th at 7pm, I'll be reading at Honey's in Brooklyn with Amalle Dublon, Tenaya Nasser-Frederick, and Funto for the Pizza's Poetry Party reading series, curated by Carolyn Ferrucci and Lara Carmen Hidalgo. I'm planning on reading new, in progress poems on tourism and travel. CIRCLES will be making pizza.

22.9.22 Futurepoem: Mirene Arsanios and Laura Jaramillo Double Book Launch

Futurepoem is holding a double book launch for Mirene Arsanios and Laura Jaramillo at Artists Space on October 12th at 7:30pm. I'll be reading to celebrate Mirene's launch of The Autobiography of Language, along with Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts who will also be reading. Rami Karim and Paige Taggart are also scheduled to read, and the evening will end with both Mirene Arsanios and Laura Jaramillo reading from their new books.

20.9.22 Dolce Stil Criollo @ Printed Matter's New York Art Book Fair

Dolce Stil Criollo will be at Printed Matter's 2022 New York Art Book Fair from October 13th-16th. We'll have a table at C20 with diSONARE and Precog Magazine.

10.7.22 Dolce 4 at Motto Books

Dolce Stil Criollo 4: Border Theatrics is now available at Motto Books.

6.6.22 MAGAZIN: Space for Contemporary Architecture

Post-Novis with WAI Architecture Think Tank will exhibit A Great LOUDREADING is in the Making. But No One has Noticed at MAGAZIN in Vienna. The show will go on from June 18th to July 30th and will feature works from the Post-Novis collective of which I form part. I will show a video-poem and also publish a revised, "written" version of my talk When Gray Is All Theory: Writing in Spaces of Capital and Crisis.

22.4.22 When Gray Is All Theory: Writing in Spaces of Capital and Crisis Talk

The College of Design and Architecture Program of Iowa State University have uploaded a video of my talk, When Gray Is All Theory: Writing in Spaces of Capital and Crisis, to YouTube. You can view the video here.

25.3.22 Workshops at Iowa State University + Talk

Next week, I will offer two workshops for students in the architecture department of the College of Design at Iowa State University. The first, titled "Transmutations: Beginning with Drafts," will take place as part of a class on decolonial curricula, taught by WAI Architecture Think Tank and the other workshop, titled "Illegibility Outside," will take part in class on murals, also taught by WAI. Both workshops will work with Roque Dalton's poem "Tavern," in different ways, and at the end of the day we will have created our own curricula based on a forensic reading of the poem "Tavern" and also have sketched a few drafts for adding murals to the Czech tavern that's referenced in the poem. On Monday the 28th, from 5:30-6:30 CDT, I will also give a reading and artist talk, called "When Gray Is All Theory: Writing in Spaces of Capital and Crisis," as part of the Curt F. Dale lecture series. The talk will begin with making notice of the misspelling of my name on the College of Design's website and talk about how clandestinity, identity, and "intensely living," inform our experiences of local color and theory in spaces of capital and crisis.

24.3.22 The Planetary Wretched

The Planetary Wretched: A Post-Colonial Narrative Architecture Poetry Book, published by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and edited by Post-Novis, Cruz García, Nathalie Frankowski, Shravan Arun, Tejumola Bayowa, and Charlotte Elo is out. An excerpt from my project on Tepito market is included, along with a collection of poems by various students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign that was produced from a workshop, titled A Risk We Will Take, which I offered and which worked with Octavia Butler's short story, Bloodchild. You can read more about the publication here.

23.2.22 Radio Niágara

On February 20th, I read some poems from a series titled "Miscellany" at Radio Niágara in Mexico City, along with many musicians and poets, including Philip Greenlief, José Alvarez, Natalia Pérez Turner, Mercedes Alvarado, David Rojas Azules, Lucía Hinojosa, Jarrett Gilgore, Ernesto M. Andriano, Misha Marks, Doris Steinbichler, Melisa Arzate, Eli Piña, and Loope. Toward the end of the night, I was also invited to improvise with musicians and so I read a series of questions in Spanish. You can watch the transmission here.

29.1.22 Kent Chan Interview

I interviewed artist Kent Chan in honor of his 2021 Foundwork Artist Prize. We talk about his practice, tropical vernacular architecture, imagined futures, and place.

28.1.22 Dolce Stil Criollo 4 in It's Nice That

Dolce Stil Criollo's 4th issue, Border Theatrics, is profiled in It's Nice That, along with the great design work of the publication's design team, Sometimes-Always. It's Nice That has also highlighted our interactive website, where visitors can graffiti over camera footage from different borders around the world.

23.1.22 Lugares inhabitables para sentir hacia dónde llevaba mi cabeza

My essay, Uninhabitable Places to Feel Where I Was Carrying My Head, which was written for the project Taxonomic Ambiguity, has been translated to Spanish by Maité Iracheta. You can read the translation here.

19.1.22 Lucía con amigos

Footage from the December 12th reading at Torn Page has appeared, shot by Lumia. You can view it here. My reading of the poem "Draft" appears at the 8 minute mark. You can also see readings by Chloe Zimmerman, No Land, Kyle Dacuyan, Lee Ann Brown, and Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola.

13.12.21 Dolce Stil Criollo 4 at Inga Bookstore

Dolce Stil Criollo 4 is now available for purchase from Inga. You can purchase a copy online or visit their store in Chicago.

7.12.21 Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola & Friends

On December 12th, from 5pm-8pm, I will read in celebration of Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola's residence at Torn Page. The reading will fundraise for support of her book, The Telaraña Circuit, which will be published in Spring 2022 by Tender Buttons Press. I plan on reading a new poem that is part of a videowork collaboration with C. Díaz.

4.12.21 Blow Ups for Sterling

French & Michigan will release its newest publication, Sterling Allen: Our New Room, on December 11th from noon-4pm in San Antonio, TX. The book consists of a series of temporary site-specific installations in unsanctioned spaces that address some of the issues inherent in thinking about objects, site, sculpture, and photography. Alongside, you can find a feature essay by art historian Sarah Hamill, a short essay by Emily Lee, an interview conducted by fellow artist Ian Pedigo, and a sequence of poems I wrote, titled "Blow Ups for Sterling." More info here.

17.11.21 Another Bridge Is Built: An Activation

On November 18th, I will read some poems for Another Bridge Is Built: An Activation, an event of poetry, image, and sound, hosted by diSONARE. The event is from 12-6pm at Performance Space NY and will feature many guests, including friends Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola and Jean Carla Rodea. I am scheduled to read at 4:30pm.

10.11.21 3 Poems at ewà

ewà journal has published 3 poems from my ongoing series on Tepito market in Mexico City. You can read them here, along with great work from other contributors: Kaya Arnoux, Riel Bellow, Shaheen Qureshi, and Valerie Hsiung.

27.10.21 Dolce Stil Criollo 4 at Casa Bosques

Casa Bosques in Mexico City now carries Dolce Stil Criollo 4. You can purchase a copy on their website here, or visit them at 25 Córdoba in Roma Norte neighborhood.

26.10.21 VABF Talk on YouTube

My talk for the Vancouver Artbook Fair is now up on YouTube, along with a conversation with Eloisa Aquino, the 2021 program curator.

25.10.21 RIZOMA Workshop

On October 28th, I will co-facilitate a writing workshop on motherhood with RIZOMA at Santiaguito de Almoloya de Juárez Women’s Prison, Estado de México. RIZOMA focuses on a series of experimental poetry and performance workshops led by an international group of artists and musicians for the imprisoned women at the Penal Santiaguito de Almoloya. RIZOMA is an initiative by Lucía Hinojosa in collaboration with poet Anne Waldman. The project is in collaboration with the NGO Reinserta.

15.10.21 Vancouver Artbook Fair Talk

The program for the Vancouver Artbook Fair is now up. On October 25th, at 6pm PST, I will give a talk online, titled "I'm Going to Tell You All the Books I Have: On the Apotropaic Life of Books and an Excess We're Ready to Lose." The talk, in part, is about what we do and what we lose as part of migratory living.

14.10.21 Dolce Stil Criollo 4 at Printed Matter

Printed Matter's two Manhattan locations now stock Dolce Stil Criollo 4. Printed Matter is currently the only location other than our website where readers can purchase a copy of our newest issue.

3.9.21 Vancouver Art Book Fair Instagram Takeover

Starting today and going until September 6th, I will be taking over the Vancouver Art Book Fair's Instagram account to post a series of audio recordings of me reading excerpts from some of my past publications and writings. For the fair in October, I will also be giving a talk.

20.8.21 Uninhabitable Places to Feel Where I Was Carrying My Head

I've published an essay for the project Taxonomic Ambiguity by the Center for Tropical Malaise. The project "takes a close look at the politics of scientific language, specifically at the ways in which it deploys coloniality, exploitation and epistemic extractivism, with a particular interest in a Latin American perspective." My essay, "Uninhabitable Places to Feel Where I Was Carrying My Head," explores the role of storytelling in translating the ambiguous taxonomies of migration and place. Each story forms part of a larger text on my family's own movement across the border, from Mexico to Texas, while also narrating peyote's scientific naming (Lophora wiliamsii) and how three poets--Antonin Artaud, José Vicente Anaya, and Alfonso Reyes--have all written about the psychotropic cactus. Over time, the digital archive Taxonomic Ambiguity will be updated, including with a translation into Spanish of my essay.

11.8.21 Dear Dolce Ducklings

Ugly Duckling Presse; No, Dear; and Dolce Stil Criollo will present a reading at The Old American Can Factory on 232 Third Street in Brooklyn, on August 17th, at 7pm. Each press has invited readers. For Dolce Stil Criollo, I've invited Alexis Almeida (trans. Fernanda Laguna) and Cole Heinowitz (trans. Mario Santiago Papasquiaro). I'll also have a table to sell copies of Dolce Stil Criollo 4: Border Theatrics.

2.7.21 Beauty Salon

Between 2017 and 2020, the Aeromoto public arts library in Mexico City organized a monthly series of bilingual readings. The gatherings, called Salón de belleza (Beauty Salon), brought together more than 70 poets and writers from many generations, contexts, and traditions, predominantly from Mexico and the United States, but also from various parts of Latin America and Europe. Salones de belleza: Writers in Aeromoto gathers work from these writers—in a completely bilingual edition—many of whom are appearing in translation for the first time. A poem of mine from my ongoing (and changing) writing on Tepito appears in the book and is translated by Tatiana Lipkes. You can purchase the book from Gato Negro Ediciones here.

24.6.21 A Great Loudreading

The Urban Summer Festival, FUNDAMENTAL ACTS curated by Traumnovelle, Humbble and Katía Truijen, opened this week. WAI Architecture Think Tank invited me to continue my work as part of a loudreading collective. My loudreading of Etel Adnan's The Cost for Love We Are Not Willing to Pay will play along with other participants' loudreadings from a loudspeaker installation made by the artist Jean-Benoît Vétillard, from 10am to 5pm. The installation is located under the Arcades of the Royal Library of Belgium, at the Mont des Arts in Brussels. More information will be soon available here. The reading will also appear on the Loudreaders website in the near future.

15.6.21 Ecos Virtuales Recordings

diSONARE's series of virtual readings, Ecos Virtuales, are now up on their YouTube. You can see and listen to me read from my work on Tepito market here. I begin around 50 minutes into the reading.

5.15.21 Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts

This summer, I will be teaching for three weeks as part of the writing faculty at the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College. A full faculty list is available here.

20.4.21 Dolce Stil Criollo 4 Border Theatrics

I am happy to share that Dolce Stil Criollo's 4th issue, published between New York and Berlin, is now out and available for purchase from our website. The issue is about “border theatrics.” It dramatizes the ways interpretation and performance create, destroy, sustain, and even entertain a border. Works of poetry, theater, essay, illustration, photography, and more comprise the publication in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Arabic. Martinica especially collaborated on the design. Our fourth issue is our largest issue yet at 380 pages in an edition of 450. Its contributors include Andrea Cassatella, Andrés Paniagua, Deena al-Halabieh, Eduardo Kac, Wendy Trevino, Gabriel Carle, Gustavo Paim, Ícaro Lira, jjoaoapaes, José Acosta, Lucía Hinojosa Gaxiola, Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, Pedro Koberle, Pedro Neves Marques, Rolando Hernández, Tony Cruz Pabón, and Varias Tatu. Our new website, designed by Leo Hoesl and Marina Cardoso, also features an interactive "border graffiti" art project for website users to experiment with.

6.4.21 Ecos Virtuales

I will be reading on Zoom for diSONARE's Ecos Virtuales series on April 8th at 3:30pm Mexico City time. More information is on diSONARE's Instagram page here.

15.3.21 A Risk We Will Take: On Octavia Butler's "Bloodchild" and a World that Was Once Ours

On March 23, 2021 I will facilitate a writing and editing workshop in conjunction with WAI Architecture Think Tank at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The workshop is part of the class "Post-Colonial Landscapes & The Planetary Wretched" and will write "into" Butler's "Bloodchild" and envision what the short story may be telling us about the fate of Earth. The workshop is the first step toward producing a text for a publication of the same name as the class.

11.10.20 The New Social Environment #151

Anselm Berrigan and Mónica de la Torre have curated a radical poetry reading featuring Eleni Sikelianos, Gabriela Jauregui, Uche Nduka, Asiya Wadud, and me. Each of us will read some of our poems along with a political poem by another poet. The event is hosted on Zoom and will take place on October 14th at 1pm EST.

18.9.20 P.A.D. Gallery

Project Art Distribution will have a pop-up street sale in SOHO of Wendy's Subway's publications, including my book, Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso. The exhibition/pop-up will take place on Saturday, September 19th. More information here.

13.9.20 Nostalgia Café

On September 16th, from 7-10pm, I will be reading at Café Trevi in Mexico City with Paiaka Roela, Alimony, Lucía Hinojosa, Klaus Sour, and Xel-Ha López. Pandemic precautions necessary.

12.7.20 Notas de Contingencia

Beta-Local has published my essay, "Todo el amor del mundo con todas sus sangres y todos sus virus," as part of their online programming, Notas de contingencia, meant to address the contingencies of the current, worldwide pandemic. My essay is written in Spanish and draws upon Roberto Bolaño, Frantz Fanon, Forough Farrokhazad, and two favorite norteñas of mine: Chalino Sánchez's "Que me entierren cantando" and Roberto Tapia's "Caminos Diferentes."

28.6.20 Loudreaders Workshop Recording

The workshop, Up & Out from a Shared Ground/ On Narrating Territory, for Session 8 of Loudreaders Trade School is now available to view on their site. You can view the workshop here.

25.6.20 Loudreaders Trade School

Tomorrow, on June 26th, at 3pm EST, I will host a workshop titled, Up & Out from a Shared Ground/ On Narrating Territory. The workshop is part of the "Worldmaking" series of the Loudreaders Trade School. The workshop will look at examples from Fred Moten, Joyelle McSweeney, and Roque Dalton while thinking through how poetry narrates and undoes territory as a site of jurisdiction by creating a potential site/event of/for commoning.

29.4.20 lecturas sonido por internet

On April 30th, at 1:30pm GMT-5, I will be reading on Instagram with David Rojas Azules, Patrick Farmer, Andrea Ancira, Thom Donovan, and Lucía Hinojosa for the Mexico City-based journal diSONARE. I am scheduled to read last, at approximately 2:15pm GMT-5 or 3:15pm EST.

3.1.20 diSONARE at The Brooklyn Rail

I will be reading at The Brooklyn Rail on January 15th, 2020 at 7pm with Mexico City-based journal diSONARE in celebration of the launch of their 8th issue on cinema. I will read from my work Pepe, as well as An Economy of Circulated Figures. The event will be in English and Spanish.

11.12.19 Publishing Talks: Para-Archiving & The Body

On December 12th, at 7pm, I will take part in the presentation of MOCHILA, a backpack full of unique printed matter and editorial content produced in Latin America. The first in a series of events organized on the occasion of MOCHILA's residency at Wendy's Subway through January 2020, this evening will feature readings by Emily Liebowitz, Natasha Tiniacos, and me, followed by a conversation with editors of the Latin America-based projects diSONARE, Erizo, Dolce Stil Criollo, and Aliens Beyond Paradise. The conversation will draw on ways of experimenting with the body as a vehicle for para-archiving within writing, independent publishing and circulation.

19.11.19 Talk at Aeromoto in Mexico City

I will present Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso at Aeromoto in Mexico City on November 29th, at 5pm. Jason Mena, Ramiro Chaves, Andrés Paniagua, Mariana Rodríguez, and Mauricio Marcin will also speak as contributors to the book. Copies will be available for 190 pesos. All proceeds go to RAICES, a non-profit offering free legal services to underserved children, families, and refugees.

18.10.19 Workshop: Logophagy

On October 30th, from 7-9pm at Wendy's Subway, I will co-facilitate a workshop with León Muñoz Santini of Gato Negro Ediciones. The workshop will seek to revive and experiment with nonsense as a means of subversion.

24.9.19 New Book for Sale

A book I edited, Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso is available for online purchasing from Wendy's Subway's website here.

15.9.19 Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso at NY Art Book Fair

The alien publication produced on July 21st evolved into a new book, titled Aliens Beyond Paradise/ Alienígenas más allá del paraíso, co-published by Wendy's Subway and Queens Museum. The book will be available at Printed Matter's 2019 NY Art Book Fair, from September 20-22. You can pick up a copy for 15 dollars. All proceeds go to the nonprofit organization RAICES: Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services.

7.7.19 Alien Publication & Workshop

I will host a collective editing workshop to produce an alien publication at the Queens Museum on July 21st, from 13:00-16:00. The project investigates the ambiguous concept of ‘alien’, both as extraterrestrial and foreigner with a group of New York-based and foreign collaborators. It will be printed in risograph and presented with the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop Program and Endless Editions as a number of unique editions for readers to continue extracting and publishing. The workshop forms part of the public programing Alternatives & Futures, and is also a collaboration with Beta-Local.

14.4.19 Salón de Belleza en Aeromoto

On April 23rd, I will be reading with Alexis Almeida, Xitlalitl Rodríguez Mendoza, and Daniel Saldaña Paris at Aeromoto in Mexico City as part of the reading series, Salón de Belleza. The reading is at 19:00. I will read from Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso as well as a new project on Mexico's Tepito market, An Economy of Circulated Figures.

20.3.19 A diSONARE Event

I will read at Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop on April 4th. The night is hosted by diSONARE and will include readings and performances by Alice Attie, Luna Montenegro & Adrian Fisher, Rocío Cerón & Abraham Chavelas, Christopher Rey Pérez, Jarrett Earnest, George Lee Moore, Ricardo Nicolayevsky, Nick Herman, and Lucía Hinojosa.

4.3.19 Mochila: Small Journals & Independent Publishing

On March 18th, I will be talking about Dolce Stil Criollo, which forms part of Mochila, a traveling backpack of Latin American publications. The event will take place in Room 101C at the School of Visual Arts.

11.2.19 Almeida, Eckes, Pérez, Rogal Poetry Reading

I will be reading with Alexis Almeida, Ryan Eckes, and Lisa Rogal at The Old American Can Factory in Brooklyn, NY on March 1st, at 7:30 P.M. The reading is in celebration of books that have recently been released by Almeida, Eckes, and Rogal. I will read from a new work on Mexico's Tepito market, titled An Economy of Circulated Figures.

7.2.19 Daddy's Books @ Marlboro College

Daddy's Books will exhibit their collection at Marlboro College, beginning February 9th. My chapbook, El Siete Machos, forms part of the collection that is "open, unfettered...and able to keep you company in even your most lonely, fearful, or confusing times."

4.2.19 Publishing Against the Grain

Pitzer College Art Galleries is exhibiting Publishing Against the Grain, an independent publications exhibit organized by Independent Curators International. My book, Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso, forms part of Mochi-LA, a backpack of Latin American contemporary publications that is exhibited. Dolce Stil Criollo 3 is also inside the backpack. The exhibit runs February 2nd to March 28th.

25.1.19 5 Meters of Poems

Ugly Duckling Presse invited me to blog for their series, From the Vaults. I decided to write about the Peruvian Carlos Oquendo de Amat's 5 Metros de Poemas.

10.12.18 Audio Recording

My reading at Bard College on November 5th was recorded and is now available as an audio on YouTube.

30.10.18 Colloquium Reading at Bard College

On November 5th, I will be reading at Bard College as an invited guest of the Written Arts Program. The reading takes place from 5-6:30 at Weis Cinema and will include a Q&A. I will read from gauguin's notebook as well as a new portion of my new writing project, Rare Pepes.

9.10.18 Between One & Zero

My work, [forum], will form part of the exhibition Between One & Zero at Fold Gallery at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on October 12, 2018. The work will be presented alongside works by Rem D. Koolhaas, Bruna Canepa, Salottobuono, Jason Mena, Oliver Haidutschek, and Wolff Architects.

18.8.18 Five Questions with [...]

Maryam Monalisa Gharavi interviewed me for her series Five Questions with [...]. It's published at The New Inquiry. In it, I chat about saliva, borders, font choices, Palestine, Hayy Ibn Yaqzan, and other topics.

26.7.18 Deportee Suitcase March

The artist Gabriela Galván has invited me to include a single 8.5" x 11" image for a suitcase she is organzing in collaboration with Mónica Ríos and New Sanctuary NY for a march in protest of ICE that will take place today, July 26th, at Federal Plaza. The suitcase march is in response to the fact that deportees are allowed only one 25lb suitcase, packed by loved ones on their behalf. Gabriel Galván will carry a suitcase full of images in order to account for all the material things that cannot fit in a suitcase. I have contributed a single image of a post card from the Rio Grande Valley that is accompanied with the line: on the violation of what he was, a wall; hemorrhaging.

25.7.18 Life Lessons Garage

My chapbook, El Siete Machos, will be at the Life Lessons Garage reading room in the Rockaways, NY, opening on August 11th. One copy will be on display for your reading pleasure, along with a number of great contributions by various artists and writers. The reading room is organized by Caitlin MacBride, Lauren Faigeles, and the Life Lessons Curatorial Group.

16.7.18 Salón Frontera

I will read from my chapbook REYNOSA at the McAllen Creative Incubator as part of Salón Frontera on July 21st. Jordyne Pierson, Clarissa Riojas, Jordan Garcia, & Caitlin Díaz will also present films. DJ set by Love & Magick.

12.7.18 Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso with mochi-LA

Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso has now formed part of mochi-LA, a joint project between diSONARE and ANTEPROJECTS. My publication forms part of a traveling backpack of literature from Latin America that continues to be presented at various exhibitions and art spaces.

28.6.18 Pliegue 4

Pliegue 4: Encuentro de Auto-edición de Tenerife, hosted by La Piscina Editorial, will feature a limited number of copies of Dolce Stil Criollo, alongside friends' works from Beta-Local and others. The event takes place from 10-8 on June 29th, 2018 at the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes in Tenerife, Spain.

18.5.18 Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso

On May 22nd, I will be releasing a new publication, titled Compendio palestino-puertorriqueño en proceso, at Beta-Local in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The book forms part of my investigation into novelistic proceses, and it also serves as a compilation of field notes for a novela, titled A Spanish Translation of Hay Ibn Yaqzan that I'm working on. The book was printed in risograph at La Impresora in Santurce. The release forms part of a reading room with Bibliotecas Amigas.

14.5.18 Common Silence: 8th Annual Zine and Photobook Fair at Baxter St @ CCNY

Dolce Stil Criollo will exhibit all three of its issues at Common Silence, an exhibition curated by Dolce Stil Criollo 3 contributor, Mauricio Marcin, for the 8th Annual Zine and Photobook Fair at Baxter St @ CCNY in New York throughout June 1-3. The exhibition focuses on Latin American publications and "invokes the utopian notion of printed matter’s ability to enact social change through small-scale action to generate micro-policies." A select number of copies will also be available for sale.

13.5.18 Colaboraciones Editoriales

Mirene Arsanios and I will give a collaborative workshop in Spanish at Beta-Local in San Juan, Puerto Rico on the 17th at 3:30. The workshop will look at editorial strategies and issues of fragmentation and collapse across geographies and communities. It is open to the public.

30.4.18 Feria de Libros Independientes y Alternativos 2018

Dolce Stil Criollo will have a table at the Feria de Libros Independientes y Alternativos 2018 (FLIA) on May 6th at El Nido in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. Over 25 local and international presses and projects will be represented. I will be selling a limited number of copies of our first, second, and third issues.


I have a brief text up for the Critics Page of the April edition of The Brooklyn Rail. Edited by Ann Lauterbach, she posed the question, "Why poetry now," to a number of poets, including Matvei Yankelevich, Mel Elberg, Jason Labbe, Michael Palmer, Richard Deming, Martha Ronk, Fanny Howe, Dan Beachy-Quick, Carla Harryman, Anselm Berrigan, Charles North, and me.

4.4.18 El Siete Machos Availability

My publication, El Siete Machos, is now available for purchase and international shipping from Sometimes Always.

3.21.18 El Siete Machos

A new publication titled El Siete Machos is available from Sometimes Always who have a table at Feira Plana in São Paulo, Brazil, throughout the dates of March 23 to March 25. The design and publishing house will also be selling copies of the 2nd and 3rd issues of Dolce Stil Criollo. El Siete Machos composes one chapter from a novela I'm writing titled, A Spanish Translation of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan.

3.18.18 REYNOSA

My project, REYNOSA, is in an electronic chapbook form and downloadable from The Elephants for free. REYNOSA chronicles a 5-day period during which I crossed the McAllen-Hidalgo-Reynosa International bridge on a daily basis in order to write in and around Reynosa's main plaza once every hour for 8hrs.

14.3.18 The Reading Room at Fold Gallery

Fold Gallery hosts on March 14th-15th 4:30-7:00 PM the Reading Room at the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Reading Room presents diverse encounters with architecture through alternative publications that include Friendly Fire, Log, CARTHA, Dirty Furniture, CLOG, Gratuitous Type, San Rocco, MONU, Real Review, Wash, and Product Placement. Dolce Stil Criollo will take part in the exhibition.

27.2.18 Rare Pepes

The Poetry Project has published a one-page excerpt from the work-in-progress I read on February 16th. Tentatively titled Rare Pepes in Tepito, the work uses the 1960 film, Pepe, as a starting point for looking at issues of labor, race, class, and the human in Tepito market, Mexico, and Hollywood.

12.2.18 Pratt MFA Visit

On February 14th, I will be a visiting author at Pratt's MFA in Writing program. I will read from my book, gauguin's notebook, and discuss issues it raises, some of which are location/dislocation, border-thinking, and creating an archive of personal reference and relation. The reading is at 4 p.m. and open to the public. It will take place at Pratt's MFA in Writing Community Space.

15.1.18 Reading at the Poetry Project

On February 16th, I will be reading at the Poetry Project in Manhattan with Pedro Neves Marques. I look forwarding to reading from a new project titled "Rare Pepes."

2.1.18 A Book of Small Things at the Benaki Museum

Panayiotis Michael will present "A Book of Small Things" at The Benaki Museum in Athens on February 3rd from 1-4 in the afternoon. "A Book of Small Things" is a publishing project by Panayiotis Michael, featuring 9 individual books by writers from different backgrounds and contexts. My book regeneración forms part of the project.

24.11.17 Dolce Stil Criollo 3 Worldwide Shipping

The third issue of a publication I edit, Dolce Stil Criollo, is now available for sale from the Brazilian design studio, Sometimes Always. Worldwide shipping's offered, and the issue itself costs 30 Brazilian reais.

9.11.17 MOCHI-LA

Dolce Stil Criollo will take part in MOCHI-LA, a project between diSONARE and ANTEPROJECTS that composes a traveling backpack of curated publications from Latin American and Latino publishers. Designed the travel around the U.S., the first events will occur on the 10th and 12th of November, 2017 at the project space COMPANY in Northeast Minneapolis and at OOGA BOOGA at 356 Mission in Los Angeles.

16.10.17 PaperWorks 2017 Reschedule

Due to the earthquake that hit Mexico City, PaperWorks 2017 has been rescheduled for November 11th and 12th.

17.9.17 PaperWorks 2017, Feria del Libro

Dolce Stil Criollo will exhibit its 3rd issue, "Tropical Opacity," at the book fair PaperWorks 2017 on September 23-24th in Mexico City, Mexico. The event will take place at the Museo Tamayo and will feature a series of workshops, lectures, presentations, as well as a reading room.

16.9.17 Dolce Stil Criollo 3 - Tropical Opacity - Lançamento Brasil

Dolce Stil Criollo 3 will launch at Galeria Vermelho on September 28th in São Paulo, Brazil. Gabriel Finotti and I have been working on the 3rd issue for two years. After a NYC release at the Brazilian design event Bonde, we're pleased to see this issue launch in Brazil, where it's printed. The 3rd issue explores how “tropical opacity” is a political mode of being that acknowledges the constructed nature of the tropical as nothing more than a pedagogical opportunity for its own re-imagining. Contributors include Maurício Ianês, Angélica Freitas, WAI Architecture Think Tank, Marwa Arsanios, Jonathas de Andrade, Debora Delmar Corp, Leonardo Finotti, Hick Duarte, Ricardo Domeneck, Rafael Uriegas, Mauricio Marcín, Maru Calva, plus translators Hilary Kaplan, Fred Spada, Diego Gerard, & a special translation of Édouard Glissant's "For Opacity" translated into Spanish by 90+ artists and writers that I curated along with co-curators Xel-Ha López Méndez, Daniela Camacho, Joseph Reiter, Óscar David López, Jorge Alejandro Vargas Prado, Cecilia Lopez, Nicole Delgado, Sebastián Realini, & Lucía Hinojosa.

4.9.17 BAD PEACE

I will have a week of poems from the project Reynosa in a zine for BAD PEACE/SOMBRES TEMPS at Short Theatre in Rome, Italy. The zine is part of a series of live performances and radio shows from September 8th-16th. The festival includes Leo Non Cabbo, Bob Junior, Emilia Verginelli, Paolo Camellini, Michele Moi, Francesca Corona, Giulia NeverDies, Lorenza Accardo, Simone Tso, Mauricio Torrealta , Rainbow Island, Marco Caizzi, Simne Donadni, Mauro Bertarelli, Grip Casino, Steve Pepe, Marco Casu, Francisco de Aquiles, ACCHIAPPASHPIRT, Stefano Di Trapani, Jonida Prifti, KAWAMURA Gun kawamuragun, Holy Pieces, Marco Bonini, Ambra Chiara Michelangeli, Francesca Morello, RYF, Antonio Tricoli, Mai Mai Mai, Armelle Oberle , Olivier Deux Mos, Heimat, MariaViolenza, Totò Termini, DJ BUMBO, as rom, Raniero Berardinelli, Francesca Grossi, YôGô Trenô, Giannllorenzo Narddi, Punx23, and more.

22.7.17 Bonde NYC

Dolce Stil Criollo's third issue, "Tropical Opacity," launches today at Bonde, an event dedicated to Brazilian design in Brooklyn, NY. Dolce's third issue explores how "tropical opacity" is a political mode of being that acknowledges the constructed nature of the tropical as nothing more than a pedagogical opportunity for its own re-imagining. It's contributors include Angélica Freitas, Debora Delmar Corp., Hick Duarte, Jonathas De Andrade, Leonardo Finotti, Marwa Arsanios, Maurício Ianês, Mauricio Marcín and Maru Calva, Rafael Uriegas, Ricardo Domeneck, and WAI Architecture Think Tank. Dolce Stil Criollo is designed by Gabriel Finotti of Sometimes-Always Studios and edited by me. We hope to have the issue distributed to various locations shortly.

6.7.17 You really know where you are. For the first time in history

Intelligentsia Gallery, with Unicorn Centre for Art in Beijing, China presents "You really know where you are. For the first time in history" on July 15th, 2017. A work of mine, [forum], will take part in the exhibition, alongside works by Chen Wei, Li Zhengde, Tianzhuo Chen, Sebastian Alonso Bessonart, Lin Ke, Ada Sokol, Camille Ayme, Ju Anqi, Cristina Tufiño, Alessandro Rolandi, Jason Mena, Lena Tsibizova, Olga Rodina, Anastasia Soboleva, Oliver Haidutschek, Ophelia S. Chan, Ma Yongfeng, Laurent Segretier, Robbin Heyker, Tong Kunniao, Fala Atelier, Andreas Angelidakis, GANKO, Jeff Miller & Drew Miligan, Garcia Frankowski, Robbin Heyker and more.

4.6.17 Dolce Stil Criollo 2

A messy edition of Dolce Stil Criollo 2 is available from Brazilian design studio and research platform, Sometimes-Always. The edition's "messy" because it's the product of 50 extra copies of the publication that were bound in a wrong but interesting order.

2.6.17 XXXXXXX

The first post of a year-long project in collaboration with Sometimes Always is up, featuring works by Ed Steck (excerpt from An Interface for a Fractal Landscape) and Tala Zeitawi (selections from The In-Between), along with some culled images from Claude Lévi-Strauss' "Tristes Tropiques." Conceptualized as an open work-in-progress, next month the post will be updated to include my annotations of these images, which respond to the broad theme of borders.

29.5.17 Edit: Encuentro de Gestión Editorial Independiente

During June 8-10, 2017 I will be attending Edit: Encuentro de Gestión Editorial Independiente in San Juan, Puerto Rico to talk about Dolce Stil Criollo and "book-project" publishing. The event is in coordination with Beta Local and La Impresora of San Juan, Puerto Rico and will feature three days of panels, talks, and workshops surrounding independent publishing.

26.5.17 Terra Mediterranea: In Action

On the 27th of May, from 12:00-20:00, NiMAC, in collaboration with Panayiotis Michael, will present "A Book of Small Things," for which I have a contribution titled "regeneración." The book collection has featured in various exhibitions for Terra Mediterranea: In Action, of which this presentations is part.

10.5.17 diSONARE 6

diSONARE will launch its 6th issue at the Jardín Sonoro of the Fonoteca Nacional in Coyoacán of Mexico City. My text, Una semana de notas después de una anábasis de la Ciudad de México, appears in the issue and completes a triptych for the magazine that began in issue 4.

9.4.17 El Quincenal

diSONARE's semimonthly blog, El Quincenal, presents my text, Murmurs of Earth, which was originally comissioned for Peter Eramian's exhibition, Here's to my sweet Satan.

1.4.17 The Brooklyn Rail

"Questionnaire" and "Friday" from Reynosa appear in the April edition of the Brooklyn Rail, alongside Mike Hauser, Tony Leuzzi, Elaine Kahn, Sho Sugita, Alice Notley, Nick Sturm, and Brenda Coultas. "Questionnaire" appears in my recently published book, gauguin's notebook.

28.3.17 Terra Mediterranea: In Action

Paphos2017 in Paphos and Nicosia, Cyprus will present an iteration of Terra Mediterranea: In Action on April, 7th, 2017. Panayiotis Michael's curated book collection, "A Book of Small Things," for which I have a contribution titled "regeneración," will appear as part of the exhibition.

7.3.17 gauguin's notebook

My book, gauguin's notebook, which was the recipient of the 2014-15 Madeleine P. Plonsker Emerging Writer's Residency Prize, will be available March 15, 2017. You can purchase a copy from Amazon, Powell's, Northwestern University Press, and other sites, bookstores, and shops. The book is endorsed by Roberto Tejada, Joyelle McSweeney, and Anselm Berrigan.

19.10.16 Here's to My Sweet Satan

Volks Project of Nicosia, Cyprus presents "Here's to My Sweet Satan," an exhibition on November 24th, 2016 by Peter Eramian with a book launch featuring texts by Marina Kassianidou, Evagoras Vanezis, Emiddio Vasquez, and me. My piece, "Murmurs of Earth," will be published in the book.

4.9.16 Terra Mediterranea: In Action

Halle 14 in Leipzig, Germany presents Terra Mediterranea: In Action, an exhibition curated by Michael Arzt and Yiannis Toumazis. Panayiotis Michael's curated book collection, "A Book of Small Things," for which I have a contribution titled "regeneración," will appear as part of the exhibition.

15.8.16 A Book of Small Things

Panayiotis Michael has edited and published a book collection of nine writers from different places of visual and writerly background. Collectively titled "A Book of Small Things," my entry, titled "regeneración," is part translation, dérive, and diary entry all at once. Currently, the book collection can be found at Moufflon Bookshop in Nicosia, Cyprus.

4.7.16 Phantom Bodies

Intelligentsia Gallery of Beijing, China is currently presenting "Phantom Bodies," a solo show of Ophelia S. Chan. I wrote a poem titled, "i was and did because in the scene," for the occasion.

26.5.16 Con Cariño

The Sunview Luncheonette of Brooklyn, NY hosts Con Cariño, a reading with Charity Coleman, Will Heinrich, Nick Keys and me on June 2nd, 2016. I will be reading excerpts from "from The Poetic Bureau of Erotic Positionality Within the Global Periphery."

25.4.16 Hypertext Photographs

Intelligentsia Gallery has put up several photographs from the opening of "Hypertext." My work, [forum], appearing as 29 printed A4 sheets, bound by two binder clips and hung on a wall, composes part of the works from this group exhibition.

18.4.16 Form Is a Habit-Forming Drug

Intelligentsia Gallery of Beijing, China presents "Form Is a Habit-Forming Drug" on April 23rd, 2016. An artist-book I created for the occasion of the exhibition, titled "from The Poetic Bureau of Erotic Positionality Within the Global Periphery...", will be exhibited, along with the works of Wu Ding, Russell Beighton, Florian Kuhlmann, and Garcia Frankowski.

14.4.16. Chalton Gallery

Chalton Gallery of London, in collaboration with diSONARE, will host an evening of readings & poetic recordings on April 30th. A recording of 95 preguntas para una anábasis de la ciudad de México and 50:55 minutos de una anábasis de la Ciudad de México will be exhibited. The 5th issue of diSONARE, within which the latter recording is transcribed, will also be presented.

10.4.16 Hypertext

The Door Art, in collaboration with Intelligentsia Gallery, presents "Hypertext" in Beijing, China on April 24th, 2016. My text, [forum], will be exhibited, along with the works of Wu Ding, Ma Yongfeng, Florian Kuhlmann, Ju Anqi, Yu Bogong, Ren Zhitian, Li Shan, Jeff Miller & Drew Milligan, Li Tingwei, Jason Mena, Camille Ayme, Alessandro Rolandi, The Collective, Yu Ying, Deng Dafei, Yang Yuanyuan, Elsie Yi Shen, Song Xi, William Lee, Aoto Oouchi, OOCH, and Garcia Frankowski.

1.4.16 diSONARE 5

The 5th issue of diSONARE launches at Bar Departamento in Mexico City on April 12th. My text, Transcripción de 50:55 minutos de una anábasis de la Ciudad de México, forms part of the issue and makes up the second installment of a triptych for the magazine.

29.3.16 Latinoamericanismos Contemporáneos

The Seminario Federico de Onís, in collaboration with the Department of Hispanic Studies of the University of Puerto Rico, hosts "Latinoamericanismos Contemporáneos," during which the writer Melanie Pérez Ortiz will lead a discussion on the anthology "Sucede que yo soy América." The anthology features 30 translations of Ginsberg's "America" by various Latin American poets. It is edited by Nicole Cecilia Delgado and features my translation, América.

26.2.16 Inverted Excerpt

Late winter poetry editor Ed Steck posted a passage from my forthcoming book, gauguin's notebook, on the Fanzine.

15.2.16 Untitled Publication

321 Gallery put up a few images of my untitled publication in collaboration with Barbara Ess. Order a copy by contacting the gallery.

19.1.16 The Limited Sphere

321 Gallery presents The Limited Sphere, a group show organized by Peter Brock that will open on January 30th in Brooklyn, New York. I have an untitled publication, in collaboration with Barbara Ess, that will appear for the occasion of the exhibition.

18.1.16 The Materialist Postscript

Intelligentsia Gallery, in collaboration with Galerie Philine Cremer, presents The Materialist Postscript in Dusseldorf, Germany. My text, The Mechanical Turk, appears for the occasion of the exhibition.

15.1.16 Feira Plana

Issues One and Two of Dolce Stil Criollo will be available from co-editor Gabriel Finotti's booth at Feira Plana in São Paulo, Brazil.

14.1.16 Sucede que yo soy América

Aeromoto hosts "Sucede que yo soy América," a book launch in collaboration with Editorial Cráter Invertido, Beta Local, and Arts Collaboratory, for the 2nd edición of an anthology featuring 30 translations of Ginsberg's "America" by various Latin American poets. The book is edited by Nicole Cecilia Delgado and features my translation, América.

10.1.16 A Great Event Is in the Making but No One Has Noticed

Intelligentsia Gallery presents A Great Event Is in the Making but No One Has Noticed. I have a text that appears for the occasion of this event.

9.1.16 The City Outside the Sentence

e-flux presents the book launch The City Outside the Sentence by Mirene Arsanios on January 26th. I will be reading from my manuscript, gauguin's notebook.

14.11.15 0.10

Unicorn Centre for Art, in collaboration with Intelligentsia Gallery, presents 0.10. My text, The Aspirated Zero, appears on their site.

6.11.15. Pavilion of Comrades

Intelligentsia Gallery, in collaboration with The Wrong New Digital Art Bienale, presents Pavilion of Comrades. My text, 49 Wrong Questions, appears in their exhibition catalog and on their website.

20.10.15. America

Beta Local hosts America, a book launch and presentation of 30 translations of Ginsberg's "America" by various Latin American poets. The book is edited by Nicole Cecilia Delgado and features my translation, América.

1.10.15. Cataclysm

Thkio Ppalies Gallery presents Cataclysm by Panagiotis Mina. The exhibition features a photo book that's prefaced by an untitled poem I wrote.